Domestic Adoptions

La Casa de la Madre y el Niño has been changing lives for 75 years. We have changed the lives of thousands of children and adolescents, who because of adversity cannot grow up in their biological families. Through adoption, we have given them the possibility of finding a family which restores that right, but above all who will allow them to see life in a different perspective, through the language of love.

The adoption process at La Casa de la Madre y el Niño, follows the Technical Guidelines for Adoption in Colombia (issued by Resolution 2551 of 2016), that allows to carry on a process accepted both by national as well as international laws. Please see the guidelines

Adoption Interactive Guidelines

The first step is an informative seminars, adoption parent workshops and the process ends with four post adoption reports after the placement, following the analysis, interventions, preparation workshops and evaluations of the families, carried out by several professionals such as psychologists, social workers, and medical doctors, among others. See the complete process

Adoptions Program

Then each application and dossier is submitted to an Adoptions Committee, formed by the Director of the Foundation, an attorney, a psychologist, a social worker, the Family Advocator of the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF), a delegate from ICBF National Headquarters, and any other guests the may be required.

Once the family is approved by the Adoptions Committee, it is a placed in a waiting list, until a match with a child or adolescent is made through a referral. The process is completed with four post adoption follow ups, to verify the wellbeing and the optimal conditions of the child or adolescent.

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